
AMET is an international company with over 25 years of experience developing, producing, and supporting automated welding systems. Our proven systems have been a part of manufacturing critical components for many industries throughout the world. Our focus has been to provide completely integrated welding systems, combining precision controls, process equipment, and weld fixtures, all programmed and controlled via a single controller. To achieve our desired level of integration with all the necessary process equipment, AMET designs and produces its own control hardware and software. We introduced the use of DSP (Digital Signal Processor) technology to welding controls and continue to utilize the latest controls technology to provide our customers with advanced, fully integrated solutions to achieve their welding requirements and project demands.

Many companies in the world produce and manufacture weld fixtures and then add basic controls to produce a system. The quality, precision, and interaction of these "integrator" systems vary greatly from company to company. These PLC-based systems are typically sequencers and still require a significant amount of operator assistance and input to reliably meet the customer's quality needs.

In contrast, AMET provides its configured system control packages as a "foundation" to achieve the project requirements, and then ensures the fixturing and process equipment will provide the necessary precision, reliability, and robustness. AMET's modular control packages are designed to provide superior control of the entire process, be easily programmed, monitor and record the process, and be easily maintained. AMET's "single controller" design provides the customer with process repeatability, minimizes operator setup time, reduces operator control errors, simplifies programming, and provides reliable process verification with its built-in data acquisition.

Our system control packages are the culmination of over 25 years of design, production, and support experience. The philosophy is to dedicate a processor to each component of the welding system. The multiple processors then communicate over a network with the single controller to accurately and effectively control the welding and motion processes. This method also allows for additional motion or sensor requirements to be added to the system by simply "plugging in" more control modules, with the required equipment or sensors, to the "network."

It is AMET’s objective to provide the best automated welding systems, as well as the best after-sales support in the industry. We have produced over 500 advanced welding systems to assist our valued customers in producing their critical products. In 2012, AMET was recognized by the American Welding Society for its contribution to the welding industry by receiving the “Image of Welding Award.”